14 Yellow Aesthetics to Immediately Boost Your Mood…Guaranteed!

Hello, hi! Your girl Prathima here again. I hope this week went ahhhh-mazing well for you all. Also, Happy Tuesday!

So, because I know how exhausting a workweek can be, I wanted to help you all feel a bit better this Tuesday. I know, that personally, for me, seeing color really helps get my mood going. I just have this thing for COLORS.

I mean, think about i. What if you commuted to work on a subway, and literally the whole world was nothing but DARK AND GREY? I’m talkin’ 0 color. Nada. Horror movie, or WHAT?!

That being said, I think I honestly couldn’t live in a world without color, and for that, I am eternally grateful. Now, I don’t want to fall into stereotyping, but I am highly intrigued by colors, and the different messages they send. Here, for ex, let’s play a lil game. Let me name a few colors, and immediately a few things should pop into your mind. Let’s play. You tell me what feelings/emotions you think of, in the comments below, or just think it in your mind. Either is great! Ready? GO!

  1. Red
  2. Black
  3. Yellow
  4. Blue

Okay, so here is what I thought of:

  1. Hot, Sex appeal
  2. Darkness, Mystery
  3. Happiness, Joy
  4. Sadness, Ocean

Now, I’m not saying we prolly thought the same things, but I’m still in the ballpark, amirite? So….how do I, a complete stranger to you, know this?

Well, color theory and psychology, right? We have seen these colors all throughout our lives, and our mind begins to automatically relate them to certain feelings and emotions, based on both societal values, and our own opinions/ experiences.

Color is just endlessly fascinating, as Van Gogh once said. I think it’s just an amazing topic to talk about sometime when you get together with people. Anyways, our article today relates to the topic of color because I want to let you guys know that I. AM. OBSESSED. with color. Any color, you name it. I love it.

I just love the ideas of colors swirling around each other, and whoooo, I am dreaminnnn’. So, I figured that since a lot of you readers may also share my passion for colors, and color theory and aesthetics, in general, I’d dedicate a very own post to it. Tress exciting, no? Yup, I agree!

So, today, I want to focus on the color yellow. It’s by no means my favorite color, but just such a life-giving, happy color (for me, at least), so let’s double the happiness up in here! How? By talking about this happy color today. 🙂

In the list below, I’ll be sharing some Yellow Aesthetics, to boost your mood up by a bit, if work was a bit overwhelming today (Can’t we all relate?!). I really, really hope you enjoy this post, and most importantly, I hope it lightens your mood a bit, and brings you some little bit of happiness!

So, without further ado, here are 16 wonderful yellow aesthetics pictures, for your pleasure. So, enjoy!! And add some happiness to your day!

    PIC #1
    Look at this beautiful, bright house all by itself. Awww.


    PIC #2
    Remember what your mother told you, kids!


    PIC #3
    Man, have you ever seen a house this yellow?


    PIC #4
    I will GLADLY go to my job if this was my early morning commute. SIGN ME UP!


    PIC #5 yellow
    Is this person invisible? If so, here’s my number. Teach me your ways, plz. Thx.


    PIC #6
    This is so beautiful I wanna cry.                                                  



    PIC #8
    I wish I could lay in fields, and read books all day. SIGH.


    PIC #10
    Who doesn’t love Holi?


    PIC #11
    I wish these were my stairs.


    PIC #12
    Ride this bike on your morning commute. I promise it will cheer you up!


    PIC #13 yellow


    PIC #14 yellow
    Something about this picture is suspiciously French.


    PIC #16
    Write a poem about the yellow flower that grew out of the concrete. RIP Tupac. 😦


    PIC #17
    MUCH TEXTURE. SUCH WOW. Who designed these clothes?! I need your name ASAP.

WHAT?! The end of the post already?! Yup, time flies when you’re having fun. You guys, color is something that is so important to me, because it helps convey emotions and feelings before anyone says a single word.

And that, is so beautiful. Isn’t it? I’m so excited for all of you to keep reading my thoughts, and my words. I hope I do these posts justice! But yes, I lurrrvee colors so much, and reading about color psychology, and stuff, so I figured, Hey, why not do a post on Colors?! Cuz they’re so amazing, seriously.

So, reader, do you like colors? What do you do with colors? Also, I am SO interested in knowing if you guys still enjoy coloring books?! (I DO!) I actually brought myself one of those adult coloring books. WHICH WAS FUN! 🙂 HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT! Please let me know YOUR favorite color in th comments section below!

Also, IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! I am planning to do more “Color Series” Post. This post is an example of the Color Series. Would you guys like to see more of this on my Blog? Please let me know, because honestly, I will NOT stop talking about colors! They’re like my addiction. Let me know which color you would like to see next on my Blog, and I will make sure I make a post JUST FOR YOU! :))).

Ahhh, can’t wait to see what you guys come up with. Hope you enjoyed this happy little post, and look feared to talking with you all on another interesting topic very, very soon!

But till then, as they say in India, Ta-ta, my amazing readers! Stay beautiful, and YOU-nique! Be proud of who you are, no matter what the world says. And always remember, I love you! xxxx Kissess and hugs!!


Aiyyaa is the Craziest, Wackiest Film of All Time That You’ve Never Heard Of, and You Need to Watch It IMMEDIATELY


Good afternoon, y’all! I’m back here with you all today to talk about films! Honestly, is there anything better than a good movie playing while you’re sitting inside the comfort of your house on a cloudy, rainy day? I think not. Even though I live in California (SF Bay Area), there are an abundance of raindrops of my window right now.

Anyways, talking about films, I’m a movie fanatic myself. I love the fact that movies, as a type of art, allow us to escape our normal, everyday lives, and allow us all to live other lives, even if only temporarily. We all know that sad feeling when our favorite movie ends, right? Like, why can’t it just go on forever?!

Well, today, I wanted to share with all of you my favorite, and I mean FAVORITE in all caps, movie of all time………..(Cue drumroll please)



If someone told me to describe this film, I would say Are you kidding me? It doesn’t even feel like a film at all. That’s how wacky, crazy, and altogether insane this movie is.

Ever since I was a child, I’ve been told countless times: “Chances are, that if you love something, there’s at least one other person in the room who also shares your love for the same thing.” Raise your hands if you’ve ever heard this. Don’t pretend like I don’t see you, George. We know you’ve been there.

So, regarding that statement as true, I wanted to share my LURVVE for a movie called Aiyyaa. Now, as the name suggests, this movie is in the Hindi language, and is a Bollywood movie (don’t you dare tell me you don’t know what Bollywood is. I will kick your uneducated ass out 😛 hahah jk!) Love and acceptance always! Bollywood movies come from the northern part of Indian, and it is essentially India’s Hollywood.

Bollywood movies tend to differ from American movies in many key ways, including the now infamous dance sequences that happen abruptly in the movie. Now, keep in mind, there isn’t just one sequence. There’s probably like 5-6, if you’re lucky. One such Bollywood movie is Aiyyaa, which was released in 2012. Which just so happens to be the same year I graduated high school from! Exciting, no? (Don’t judge my age, plz).

I am somewhat of a film connosuier, and I’ve watched nearly 600 films in my life, so I figured, hey that’s a huge number, right? So, given my wide experience with films of all genres, I decided that today, I’d write about one myself, as my love and passion for films has enabled me to do so.

Now, if there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s that I don’t typically rewatch films. Hardly ever. Unless it was one hell of a movie. Now, I do want to warn you that Aiyyaa is a movie that you will either love, or you will hate. And I’ll you why: It’s a totally wack-ass movie, and it’s unlike ANYTHING you’ve ever seen before. Again, I’d watched hundreds and hundreds of films before it, and NOTHING even came close to its plots, its characters, or the overall storyline (which we will discuss in this post).

So, Aiyyaa pretty much focuses on the life of a 30-something woman named Meenakshi Deshpande. Essentially, she lives in a small town in Northern India with her crazy-ass family, which includes her marriage-obsessed mother, her chain-smoking father, her younger dog-obsessed brother, and her wheelchair-ridden grandma who wears sunglasses all the time, as well as the countless dogs her brother “adopts”. Sounds crazy, amirite?

Now, there’s something you should know about Meenakshi: she’s a serious dreamer. Literally. Half the time, the girl lives in her own dream world, and about 25 percent of the time, she lives in our real world. It goes without saying that she has a crazy, hyperactive imagination. In fact, one of her career dreams is to become an actress, because she loves expressing herself, and longs for the reel life (get it?)

Unfortunately, she is not an actress by profession, and instead, goes to interview to work at a library to earn some money. And you could say that this is the changing point in Meenakshi’s life, because it allows her to meet the love of her life, people (YUP, seriously).

There is so much (!!) I have got to say about this movie, but one thing is for sure: This is NOT like all those other Bollywood movies out there. For one, almost the entire movie, we are shown the scenes from Meenakshi’s POV. It could just be my experience, but so far, Bollywood movies predominantly focus on the male gaze, and typically star a male character or role to be the central character. Which makes this movie a breath of fresh air (LMAOO literally, you’ll understand what I’m saying/referencing later.)

Meenakshi is just SUCH a character. She is honest with herself and her feelings, she loves being herself, doesn’t care what others think about her, and drifts off into her dream world without notice. Sounds like an ideal BFF to me. So, without further ado, let’s jump right into the myriad reasons why YOU, yes you, NEED to watch AIYYAA.


  1. Rani-freaking-Mukherjee is in it.                                                                                             To all those who watch Bollywood already, you know this AMAZING woman who absolutely aces ANY role she acts in, and Aiyyaa is no different. As I’ve said before, this is one of those rare 5 or so movies that I can rewatch a thousand times, and STILL not get bored of. Why? you ask. This lady below. Yes, the stunning one in the blue sari. Isn’t she gorgeous? She’s also one of the BEST actresses in Bollywood, and anywhere, TBH. She breathes life into all the roles she does, and the best past is…..(drumroll plz) Meenakshi, her character in this movie, is her best role yet. Yup, 100/10 acting, guys.


2. Out of this world Chemistry between the Lead Actors 


HOT DAMNN. Just stop whatever it is you’re doing, really, and look at this picture. Two stunning hot leads? Check. Amazing chemistry? Check! Seriously, the on-screen chemistry between these two is just OUT OF THIS WORLD! I don’t want to tell you where this above image is from because DUH! go watch the movie! (IT’S THAT GOOD!), but in a summary, SIZZ-LING.

3. Aga Bai Song and Dance

YES- this is a link to an ACTUAL song from this movie! Please watch it. I promise you it’s better than that pile of paperwork on your desk. I mean, I’m not even gonna  persuade you anymore. This song is so catchy, and just sooo much fun to dance and sign to. Which actually rings true for all the songs featured in this movie. Each one is a masterpiece in its own right. If you love catchy music (or can appreciate a stunning, light-like melody), then boy, have I got news for you. The music in this movie is composed by Ankit Tiwari, and it’s just mind-blowing stuff. All my singers out there, chop-chop. You’ve got some new songs to memorize! 

4. R #4.png We get a stunningly fresh POV. 







Typically, Hindi movies are always told in the POV of a male, whether young or old, so very few movies actually illustrate the POV of a young woman. And when the rare movie does address the POV of a young woman, it tends to completely portray her as virginal, and viewing her “object of desire” in the lens of just love. Here is where Aiyyaa breaks all the rules. For one, Meenakshi isn’t your average heroine. Nope! She’s crazy, and most importantly, in lust, not love. This is very important because in most Hindi movies, the protagonists are always male, but here, we are told this story from Meenakshi’s POV. And guess what? She’s incredibly human, and acts just like any normal (well….for the most past LOL) 30-something girl would act like towards a man she finds physically attractive. More importantly, the whole film is VERY feminist, and we need more feminist movies FORREALS.

5. The film is utterly whimsical, romantic, and just so ENJOYABLE. 


An actual picture of Meenakshi’s mind, and wild imagination.

     As you watch this movie, you will begin to see how incredibly whimsical, and lighthearted it is, at least in the beginning. It just has a sublime quality to it that it feels less like you’re watching a movie, and more like you’re watching an extremely whack-iced version of Alice in Wonderland almost. The movie is zany, and weird, and entirely enjoyable, as a result. If all those action movies, and same ol’ same ol’ storylines are really getting on your last nerves, then AIYYAA is the movie to watch! It has this otherworldly, and unrealistic quality to it, making it almost seem like a fairytale of sorts. if I’m being honest. 

       YAY! So, there you go, folks! Thank you for sticking around, and reading my article until this point. I am having so much fun typing these articles. I just am sooo excited to show you all everything that I admire and love in this world. This movie is one of my favorite movies of all time, and while I have just included 4 reasons why you absolutely must watch this movie above, I have myriad other reasons why as well. But that’s for another post. 

     I know a lot of people are watching Bollywood movies, you know, not just Indians. Particularly, if you enjoy Alice in Wonderland, and other whimsical, dreamy movies, this is the DREAM movie for you! (See what I did there? 😉 ). Again, I’m gonna be honest, this movie is something of an acquired taste, and of course, you might not like this movie at all. BUT if you’re on the creative side, and your tastes in movies range widely, or you’re looking for a movie UNLIKE any other movie you have ever seen in your life, then, boy are you in luck. AIYYAA is definitely the way to go! I am honestly sooo excited about this post (!!!) even tho it is coming to an end.

     So, readers! I’m going to ask you for a favor. If you have SEEN this movie before (AHHH WE NEED TO TALK LIKE RIGHT NOW! SRSLY!!), then please comment below on what you thought of it! I am so eager to meet other people who have also seen this movie, and I am dying to hear your thoughts on it. And well, if you haven’t………WELL…. WHAT in the world are you waiting for? You’re missing out on a comedic, hilarious, nostalgia-tinted masterpiece! 

     All right readers, you know the drill. Let me know in the comments what your favorite movies of all-time are. I’m so excited to learn about your favorite movies – and maybe there’s one that lots of you enjoy that I haven’t even heard of (SOO EXCITING!). I am so excited for that! Well, it’s time for me to head on out for the day, so, OBAMA OUT. 🙂 

P.S: I’m planning on doing an article about the use of colors in Aiyyaa, because YES, it’s worth an entire article by itself. This movie is literally my dream come true!

Much love as always, 



27 Reasons the Angsty Hipster in You Needs to Watch “Submarine” ASAP….I Repeat…Netflix and Chill Immediately!

Hey y’all! It feels like it’s been an eternity since I last posted (and for that, I’m sorry!). Nonetheless, I decided to come back with a BANG! I believe this is my first post for 2019 (I’m seriously slacking. SHAME lol!), but I come bearing good news!

Today’s blog post is about my thoughts on a very hipster, indie-feeling movie that I rewatched just again today. The movie is called “Submarine”, and if you have watched it, I cannot wait to hear your thoughts on it, seriously!! So, here’s a quick summary of the movie, courtesy of Wikipedia, for a sense of what the movie is about before I jump into my article.

     Submarine is a 2010 coming-of-age comedy-drama film written and directed by Richard Ayode. The characters are played by Craig Roberts, Yasmin Paige, Noah Taylor, Paddy Considine and Sally Hawkins. It was adapted from the 2008 novel Submarine by Joe Dunthorne. The movie also happens to be Ayoade’s directorial debut.

The summary of the film is as follows: “Oliver (Craig Roberts) is a Welsh teen who has some things on his mind. First is losing his virginity before his 16th birthday. He sets out to woo his feisty classmate Jordana (Yasmin Paige). Then Oliver focuses on holding his family together. His father (Noah Taylor), a depressed marine biologist, seems unequal to the task of preventing Oliver’s mother (Sally Hawkins) from succumbing to the dubious charms of a spiritual guru (Paddy Considine) from down the road.”

Sounds infinitely charming, doesn’t it? It should as it certainly is a charming, little movie; however, I did notice that at some points in the movie, it felt a bit slow-moving; however, it was an enjoyable, unique movie. Very indie. I highly encourage you to watch it for the amazing cinematography, and the use of colors throughout the movie. IT’s very visually appealing, to say the least. If any of you are fans of Wes Anderson movies (I AM!!), then I’m sure you would enjoy the use of colors in the cinematography of this movie.

All right, then, without further ado, let’s jump right on in!

  1. Oliver ponders about the philosophies of life, and death, during class.
PIC #1
What I daydream about in Math class. But actually, think about this doe….

2. Like the blue background you see above, this movie is very peculiar in it’s use of blue as a constant recurring color. This isn’t a very happy movie as a whole, and its’ mood is very unique, almost depressing in ways, but it’s an excellent movie regardless.

Image for R#2

Here’s a list of all the instances the BLUE color scheme was used in this movie:

  1. The ocean
  2. A blue classroom door
  3. Oliver’s blue coat
  4. Oliver’s dad drives a blue car.
  5. (Can you see the pattern here? LOL). Oliver’s bed and his covers are also blue.
  6. Often used throughout as background color
  7. The aquarium in Oliver’s house

3. Oliver has a lot of amazing one-liners in this movie. I found his words awe-inspiring, and deep, and even funny sometimes. He’s just a very relatable character. So, all the below will be individual quotes that were just AH-MAZING, and/or funny in this movie.

4. Oliver: “I must not let my principles stand in the way of progress.”


Yes, hard to believe a 15-year old talks like this, but when you watch the movie, you’ll understand why. But sister, lemme tell youu, DAMN. That’s some WIS-DOM right there. Probably the most deep quote I’ve ever seen in any movie, TBH.

How do I interpret it? The unique values that you or I possess about life should not restrict us from progressing in life. *CLAPS* How do you like them apples? Obama out.

5. Oliver is full of gems of widsom, lowkey. At one point, early in the movie, he says, “In many ways, I prefer my own company.” As an introvert, I HELLA relate to this quote. I mean, have you seen the news these days? And don’t even get me started on dating in this day and age. When you’re your own company, you have the BEST company, amirite?

PIC #5

6. He spys on his new neighbors. (Admit it, you’ve done this at least once before. At least.) Don’t call me a creep, but sometimes when I hear laughter outside while I’m at my desk, I open my window blinds just a little bit, and see that it’s my neighbors outside. They made the noise first, and I’m just seeing what they’re up to, you know? Especially if they’re new. I mean, they could be aliens in disguise, right?! I could be saving the whole world, TBH. Here’s some rando little girl spying on you rn.

IMAGE for point #6.jpg

7. Sigh. He actually goes to the seaside, and stares at the sea. YES, this is a favorite pastime of his. Who doesn’t wish they lived close to the sea?! GOALS. Um, Oliver, if you were older, that’d be nice, if you know what I mean. And holy smokes, look at that gorgeous Cinematography (CRIES).


8. Oliver: “I sometimes wish there was a film crew following my every move.”          Ummm, okuurrr, just go ahead, and say what we’re all wishing for, Olly. Seriously, wouldn’t it be amazing if there was a film crew to catch all those Office moments you’ve had in your life?! *Stares at camera with evident disappointment*


9. Okay, but one thing, I am NOT okurr with. Apparently, where Oliver’s mother works, it’s an actual RULE that “when it’s your birthday, you have to bring your own cake.” BRB, Resigning IMMEDIATELY. What kind of nonsense is this?!?

10. When his mother refuses to believe he has a girlfriend when he tells her. LMAOO, damnnn Oliver. I dunno what to say bud.


11. Oh, and let’s not forget Olly’s father. He talks to Olly, and tells him, “Music can make things seem a bit more real sometimes.”



It’s true. Sometimes, you just gotta blast Lana del Rey, and sip your margarita while planning your ex’s upcoming “accident”.

12. Oliver will make you a documentary of your cutest moments, because HE IS THE BEST. JADWKFWMWF, and oh, he does this in the movie.


13. Jordana to Oliver: “Fucking hell. You’re a serial killer.”

PIC #13

Yes, this movie has AMAZING one-liners, just like that. AKA the perfect first thing to say to your next Tinder date. Thank me later.

14.  Blue is not the only color that makes a constant appearance in this movie. Although to a lesser extent, red also pops up quite a few times. I said it before, but I’ll say it again, WATCH this movie if you like colors, and/or cinematography. It’s gorgeous, albeit in a minimal way compared to other films I’ve watched.

PIC #14

There’s a poster in Oliver’s room that actually reads “His death was Red”, and Oliver is wearing red in that scene. Thought this was super clever. Maybe it foreshadows his death? Hm.

15. Oliver the type of bitch to eavesdrop on his mother’s phone calls (Hey, but this is like a CRUCIAL factor if you ever wanna be a spy, sooo, really, @WINNING.)


16. He reads classic literature. I mean, he could recite you some Shakespearean odes and couplets in your ear, you hear me, little mama? 😉 I’m an English major myself, so I HIGHLY appreciate this.


17. Oliver thinks his mother might be having an affair. (What would you do in Oliver’s shoes?) SERIOUSLY. YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS SCENE.

18. At one point in the movie, a suspicious man LEGITLY says: “I am lucid. I am light. I am delicious.” I triple dog dare you to put this quote on your IG description, on your profile. Or, you can use this to play 20 Questions with your friends next time. They’ll never guess what it is, and you’ll win. #WINNING

19. Refer back to #17. This freak actually goes from spying on his neighbors to spying on his mother. LMAOO.

20. Actual word-for-word Quote from the man, the myth, the legend: Olly. “I decided to soften the blow with some light arson.” KEYWORD: light. Get it?


Date: “I disapprove of arson because…….”

Me: *Grabs breadsticks and stuffs them into purse* Sorry, I have to go now.”

21.  When Oliver Tate gives a fucking Viking funeral to Jordan’s dog (whom he killed). SHAME ON YOU OLIVER. But also, low-key, have you ever been to a Viking funeral b4 low-key?

22. He uses a typewriter to divulge important truths.

Me: “Wow, I’m gonna divulge important truths like Oliver now.”

PHOTO FOR R #22.jpg

“Write about us sometime.”

“I will.


23. Then this, which I’m HONESTLY SCREAMING ABOUT. Freaking Jordan writes a handwritten letter to Oliver. TAKE ME BACK TO THE 1960’S, PLEASE!!


24. Oliver to his dad: “The whole thing won’t matter when I’m 38.”

What I tell myself every night when my mind gives me flashbacks of that awkward moment in freshman year when I told to my friend to hand my crush a Valentine Day’s card, and then, proceeded to run away from the scene as she approached him. LMFAOOOO. What’s up, John? Tell me you’re not reading this *winces*.


25. He actually makes a list titled “Reasons for Not Killing Myself” whilst sitting in a boring ass class. HONESTLY: MOOODD. Also, #prioritiesonpoint.


26. He knows that the oceanside is the best place to go when you’re feeling sad. If you think about it, our tears started in oceans, because life started in water, and then came onto land. So, when we’re sad, we should go back to the place of all human origin, right? *I’m fucking genius.* Or have I gone mental? LMAO.


27. When he and Jordan didn’t have to use words to have their perfect little moment. *SOBS.* “THIS. IS SO. BEAUTIFUL. OMFG!” *DIES*

R#27 photo.jpg

Aww, :(, this post has come to an end! But there you have it, folks! 27 AMAZING reasons to watch the visually striking work of art that is “Submarine.” The visuals are just out of this world, out of this universe amazing, I mean I can’t even with the cinematography right now. P.S. It’s giving me MAJOR FOMO. I would wed this movie’s cinematography if I could (JK….or am I?) 😛

If you have watched this movie, did you enjoy it? What parts did you like, what aspects did you not so much enjoy? Most importantly, I hope that if you’re a bit reserved and like to play it safe when it comes to watching movies, I do really, really urge you to try this cute, little movie out. Definitely not a very mainstream kind of movie, but is visually striking, and tells a very cute love story, and is a wonderful coming-of-age. 100/100 would watch just for the striking cinematography.

I am so excited to be back blogging after so long! This post made me so happy while typing it, and I’m excited to hear back from you peeps :)). If you have seen this movie, gurrllll (or boyyy), let’s talk (lmao!)! And if you haven’t, where have you been? 😉 haha. Well, you should know what your Friday night plans are!

Hope you enjoyed this article, and I look forward to talking with you all soon, and sharing more of my most favorite things soon! Love you all so, so much, in case no one has told you today! Stay gold, pony boy!! Au devoir, and kisses and love till next time.


P. <333

20 Cute Animals to Lift Your Mood by 300%

Hey y’all! Your girl here, today to lift. that. mood! As we all know, Tuesdays fall in the  middle of the week. It’s that awkward, and TOTALLY unnecessary day between Monday (BLEH) and Wednesday (even more bleh). But while we’re still waiting for a 4-day workday, which lesbihonest, will prolly take a long while to be socially accepted everywhere, DO NOT FEAR.

I here have compiled just for you pictures of the cutest animals to walk on this Earth. Period. Ah, ah, don’t even argue, and who is SoO busy that they can’t even spend 5 mins of their time to look at pictures of cute animals?! (*Stares at you hard*)

So, ENJOY!  Me, and all these cute animals below, WANT you to have a SPEC-TACULARR Tuesday at work, or at home, wherever you are! 🙂 So, get your eyes ready to feast on CUTENESS. OVERLOAD!


PIC #20


PIC #19
Dogs are soo last year (Sorry Fido!) Foxes are the latest and greatest.



PIC #18
Get you someone who will look at you like this cute gorilla looks at this flower. #you’reworthit


PIC #17
When this squirrel and this bird were deep in convo about a fuckboy. 


PIC #16
This kayutee-en who will listen to all your problems and never judge you. Ever.


PIC #15
This horse who will be your guardian angel. And is secretly working for Victoria’s Secret as their top model.


PIC #14
JUST. LOOK at those eyes!! *AWWW*


PIC #13
This squirrel who diligently checks his mail everyday.


PIC #12
Bath time is about to be lit, y’all.


PIC #11
This cat who will threaten fuckboiis with a sword, and protect u for life.


PIC #10
This monkey who will take AMAZING pictures of you. 10/10 would recommend.


PIC #9
Forget cat eyes! Go for ’em doe eyes!


PIC #8
It’s like having a portable, cuter kangaroo in your pocket at all times.


PIC #7
Would you like a little push, u cute little baby?


PIC #6
This baby chick  who would be a better leader than Donald Trump, no doubt.


PIC #5
*Aggressively knits warm socks for this hardworking baby*


PIC #4
When fluffy things met  even more fluffy goodness, and your life was made. 


PIC #3
Name ONE model who’s more photogenic than this little guy (or girl!). I’ll wait. 


PIC #2
New Book Idea: When You Give A Mouse a Sweater


PIC #1
This bunny who will follow you to school and be the envy of all your classmates.

If you’re reading this sentence, I lurrvvee you! Seriously, YOU rock! I can’t believe it’s almost December! The holiday seazzonn is upon us, you guys! I’m so excited.

I love this time of year so much. Everyone’s moods just get lifted up, and everyone becomes much more positive and fun during this time of the year. Totally understandable though, right?!

Do any of you have plans for your  winter break?! I totally need some ideas, please! Haha. Let me know what ur wonderful plans r in the comments sections below! And if you have any cool Christmas/holiday traditions! I am always so intrigued by traditions and holidays! I can’t wait to read what you have to say. 🙂

Also, let me know what you thought of this post. Would u like to see similar posts in the future? Would you like more cuteness OVERLOAD?! (DUHHH!). Let me know as well!

Stay warm, and cozy, and don’t forget to appreciate the little things in life today, and be appreciative of all that you have! YOU. are remarkable, stunning, resilient, and strong! I believe in you all! Stay YOU! <3333 Much love and happiness from my heart to your’s! MUWAHH! XXX



15 Thoughts I Had While Watching “Alice in Wonderland”

Hey guys! It’s your girl, Prathima, today with you to talk about……..(cue drum roll)


I freaking love Disney movies (ok, who doesn’t?!, amirite?). So, last week, I was sitting in my cold ass room, and thought, hmmm, wow a Disney movie is def needed to hit the sweet spot rn, so after MUCH contemplation (whew!), I finally decided on “Alice in Wonderland.” There’s a reason I chose this film, but that’s for a later post! 😉 (which I know you’ll read, cuz you love me hahah!)

So, today, I just wanted to share with you all my reactions and thoughts while I watched “Alice in Wonderland” the 1951 Disney original movie! (DAMN, 1951? I had NO idea! I’m SHOOK rn!) So, anyways, OFF with the 19 thoughts!


PIC #1

Wow, who knew a doorknob could be so inspirational?


PIC #2

What could this rabbit possibly be late for?


PIC #3

*Sees “Eat me” written on suspicious candy, and just eats it. SMH Alice.


PIC #4

Alice to Tweedle-Dee and Twwedle-Dumb: “Well, its been nice meeting you. Goodbye.”

Alice is an INTROVERT, u guys.


PIC #5

OH SHIT, run oysters. OMG. He freaking ate them! (BRB, crying.)


PIC #6

When someone calls u annoying.


PIC #8

WHOA. Where is that smoke coming from? Wait, is that a caterpillar smoking hookah? XD loll. He is. Why isn’t he low key snap chatting his letter smoke doe? SMH.


PIC #10

When you pick up your friend’s nonsense slang, and question your ability to speak normally again.

Your friend: “Ex-act-u-cally, what is your problem?”

You: “Well, it’s exact-u-cally …”


PIC #11

Our world basically.


PIC #13

Wow, this crazy ass rabbit is wiser than 99% of all humans, TBH. Start practicing this, people.


PIC #14



PIC #16

All of us after a night out, waking up to a hangover.


PIC #17

The King. is. so. freaking. CUTE. OMG, can’t breathe. HELP.


PIC #18

YO, ALICE NEEDS HER LAWYER! DUH! Where do u think ur dragging her? She can refuse to speak in court, you losers.


PIC #19

I feel you, Alice. I’d be exhausted after celebrating unbirthdays, too. Don’t worry, girl. No judgement.

And there u have it, folks! 15 Thoughts I had while watching “Alice in Wonderland” last week. I always love the feeling of watching DISNEY movies!! Who doesn’t?! And it just seems even more magical when you’re growing older, and have to live in our real world. (BLEH. TAKE ME TO DISNEY!) But there’s still beauty in our world, even if it may not look that way right now. We just have to look deeper!

PLEASE COMMENT below: What is YOUR favorite Disney movie OF ALL TIME? I can’t wait to see your responses below! It’d be cool to see which one is chosen most! As for me, hmmm, this IS SO TOUGH. It’s seriously like asking a mom to choose her favorite child. Even worst actually. Hmmmm…..I think it’d have to be Beauty and the Beast! ❤ But I rlly don’t know! They’re all magical and special, and teach us all important life lessons we tend to overlook as we grow older and are more wrapped up in our world. So, this holiday, I challenge you, really take time to yourself and pop in a Disney movie. Let me know in the comments what DISNEY MOVIE./S you watched over the holidays, and what you thought of them!! I can’t wait to learn what your favorite are ahhh!

A Happy Thanksgiving to all my wonderful readers! Thank you for spending time on my blog, and with my words. It means EVERYTHING to me. Muchas, muchas gracias! And stay warm, and safe!

Spreading love from my heart to your’s,

Your BFF, Prathima <333.

12 Times Dogs Proved That We Didn’t Deserve Them

Hello peeps! It’s ya girl, Prathima. Like, HOW is it that we’ve only got less than 7 weeks of 2018 left?! But boyy, this year has been a whirlwind for sure! How has your guys’ 2018 been? Please share in the comment s section below! I would lurvee to know!

So, for starters, I lurveee dogs. LOVE them. I’ve been asking my parents for eternity, but I have yet to get a dog. Now that I’m 24, I’m actively working on improving my skills and talents constantly so I can land a good job, and finally buy that dog I’ve always wanted! (PEPE, where r u?!)

So, in honor of dogs (who, lesbihonest, are truly too good for this world!), I’ve created a post based around dogs, and 10 times they proved that our world didn’t deserve them. BUT, lo and behold, they were so kind-hearted that God sent them to us anyways to make us happy! (*SIGH*)

So, what r u waiting for? Buckle up, bitches, cuz we’re going on a ride with some GIFS of man’s best friend forever. #BFFFL


PIC #1


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PIC #2
This dog who will stay up all night to watch Disney movies with you.


PIC #3
THESE BFFS who will go swimming with you.


PIC #4
TEAMWORK, amirite?


PIC #5
When this was their idea of attacking.


PIC #6
This dog who will watch you cheat on your diet, and pretend he didn’t see nothing.


PIC #7
Who needs friends when you have this dog as your pet?


PIC #8
I. have. no. words.


PIC #9
This dog whose whole entire life is YOU.


PIC #10
AWWW *heart melts*. Give this sweetheart a bone immediately!


PIC #12
When all they demand from you is to sleep next to you all night.

WHAT? That’s it? Yes, for this post. But don’t worry, I know much you love dogs, and besides, every single dog in this post (n the world) is such a sweetheart! So, don’t fear, I will be back with more cute dog GIFS to ensure this winter, your heart will be warmed AF. After all, fluffy friends = LIFE.

So, comment below! I would love to know if you have any pets! Do you have any dogs? If so, what breed, or breeds? Or, maybe you have an exotic pet? That’s so cool! Let me know your answers, and thoughts or suggestions, in the comments area below!

Stay Safe! And stay beautiful just the way u are! As always, peace, love, and happiness is being sent your way, from my heart to your’s! LOVEEEE,

Your BFF,

Prathima <333

12 Moments that Proved Salem the Cat was Everyone’s Spirit Animal

Because a black cat was the most relatable character in Sabrina the Teenage Witch.

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Thanks for checking out this post, lovelies, and make sure to comment below! Is Salem your favorite character from Sabrina, the Teenage Witch? And with Netflix’s NEW “Sabrina the Teenage Witch” now out, what do YOU think of it? (I wonder what this majestic cat would have to say about it!) How many of you have seen the show? If you have, do you love it, or do you prefer the old version? Let me know all of your answers in the comments section below!! Aah, can’t wait to read them all!

Have a wonderful day, as always. And stay tuned for the next post, coming soon! And happy holiday season to all of you all! I just lurrve this time of year! All the holiday jingles, the warm socks, sweater weather, warm fires, oohhh I’m excited!! Bring it on!

As always, Much Love!! N stay warm! ❤

14 Pictures of Gorgeous Handwriting that Will Make You Jealous AF

Hey there, peeps! It’s me, ya girl.  I’m glad you joined me today, and I’m feelin’ so thankful for having you all as readers! So, I was thinking about what kind of content to make next for you guys, and as I was brainstorming ideas, I looked down, and thought, Hey, I could do a post on handwriting! Everyone writes, whether on the keyboard, or with an actual pen, right? But when was the last time you picked up a pen? Seriously. 

As a poet, I actually write down all my poetry in my big , blue notebook in pen, and then, I upload it to Instagram, so I can share my poetry with you all! So, let’s jump on right into it. All your handwriting desires are about to be turned up. WARNING: Get ready for MAJOR Handwriting envy. *Looks up at sky* Sorry, baby Jesus, I must not envy.

  1. POST #1
    SO. BUBBLY. it could be champagne.


    POST #2
    You can manage me just by this handwriting, tbh.


    POST #3
    OMG. That title doe. #perfection.


    POST #4
    Your handwriting could power this entire nation.


    POST #5
    Much cursive. Such style.


    Processed with VSCOcam with hb2 preset
    We assume you must be ADORABLE given your handwriting.


    POST #7
    This piece of art that deserves to be framed in a museum.


    POST #8
    Uhh, can you please be my personal note taker for the rest of my life? Thanks.


    POST #9
    *Questions sexuality*


    POST #10
    If you wrote this, I’d like to talk about *heat transfers* alright.





    POST #11
    We know jealousy isn’t a virtue, but God.


    POST #12
    *Pays you $10* Please write my name in that font. I beg you.


    POST #13
    When your handwriting is so good you change fonts midway.


    POST #14
    Adolescence has never looked so sexy.

    Wow. You made it this far?! (CLAPS) Like you actually made it? WOW. Kudos yo you, Glen CoCo! FOUR FOR YOU GLEN COCO! You’ll have to excuse me while I go spend the rest of my day staring at my white walls, questioning why my handwriting wasn’t blessed by the HANDWRITING GODS. (If you guys would like to see a picture of my handwriting, please let me know in the comments below! I think it’s so interesting that we’re all taught the same, exact alphabets, and yet, all of us have our own unique style of writing. That to me is just supes, dupes cool!!

    ALSO, fun fact: Guess what’s coming up in 3 FREAKING days, peeeps??? (WAIT FOR  IT…….MY BIRTHDAY (WHOOT! WHOOT!) I CAN’T WAIT!!! I’m so excited, and I’m even more blessed and excited to spend that day (11/7)  with all of you as well! And what makes it even better is that it’ll be my first birthday after starting this blog! SO. EXCITING, i know! Haha. Let me know in the comments when your birthday is! Let’s see if I have any Scorpio brothers and sistass!! #SCORPIOPOWER. So, that’s it, peeps. While you’re questioning your sexuality over these GAWGUS pieces of writing, I hope you find the time( or, make the time!! IMPORTANT!) to love yourself and appreciate the wonderful quirky, flawed, and puurrfect person that you are! SELF-LOVE over everything. Well then peeps, time for me to sign off. But don’t worry ;). I’ll be back before you can blink again, with a new post, and my bag of sass and wisdom. 😉 Love each and every one of you <33. Stay warm!!

Welcome to my AESTHETIC board!

*Singing loudly*: “Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach m…” WOAH! Totally did not see you there……Well, this has been sufficiently awkward. But here, in our world, AWKWARDNESS is everything. Seriously. So please, bring your most authentic self over! In other words, embrace the quirky, weird, amazing person you are! Because you are the only human in this entire universe who is talented at being you. No one else even comes close (If you’re reading this, I LOVE you already!).

Okay, so before I get distracted by anything more, I’d like to focus on today’s topic, which is….wait for it….. **cue trumpets and confetti**

Continue reading “Welcome to my AESTHETIC board!”

Hi, lovely readers! Intro and a bit about me!

Hi there, lovely readers!

My name is Prathima, and this is my little corner of the universe where I will be spilling the tea on my life. I cannot wait to share my life deets, my favorite movies, TV shows, poetry, and more with you all! This is my first blog, so I am SOO excited about it haha! I hope to share a lot of stories and information about my life journey on here, and would LOVEE to also hear back from your own lives. I am so excited, ahhh. And I look forward to embarking on this lovely journey with all of you! I am so glad that you are here, and if u are reading this post, I LOVE YOU already!

So, put on your best Sunday clothes, and come join me at the table as I spill the tea on my life, what I love, and more! (Would you like extra sugar in your tea?) I can’t wait! 🙂

Love Your BFF,

Prathima ❤

67 Reactions &Responses I Had to the First Half of “Aiyyaa”, the Movie

Hey, hey hey, everybody! Just wanted to say, the heartiest of CONGRATULATIONS to those of you who are graduating tomorrow, or this coming month!! I’m so proud of all of you for working your asses off, and grinding 25/7. Yup, that’s no typo! Trust me, been there, done that haha!

Also, I would really appreciate it if you could shout out to my brother, Pranav, who’s graduating HIGH SCHOOL tomorrow!!! AHHH, I’m such a big, proud sister right now. I’m so excited for him to be done, and start a new journey onto college! So, shoutout to you, P-dawgg!!! I’ll be attending his graduation, and I’m sooo excited AHHH!!!

So, moving on from that good news, I have another one: R U READY FOR THIS? A new blog post!! (RADDD). Seriously, guys, I CANNOT tell you how much I love Aiyyyaa. It’s a HIGHLY, highly understated gem of a movie, and you NEED to see it. Haha if only to understand why I LUURVEE it so much! Besides, the movie can be VERY polarizing!! So, I’m so eager to learn how you all enjoy, or perhaps dislike it, and why! So eager to learn what you all think of this movie!

As for me, Aiyyaa is deffo in my top 10 movies of all time List, so that’s that. And you should know something: I am a cinephile. Meaning I lurrvee my movies. It’s such a beautiful art form, and I enjoy the temporary escapism it provides me. Yes, all art does this, but cinema just drags you into it’s world from the first second. I love my movies. And Aiyyaa definitely makes it into my top 10 movies, and in the top 5 even!

So, for those of who have not yet watched it, I don’t wanna be a downer, so there isn’t NECCESSARILY any spoilers here, in the sense that I’m not gonna state the story outright here; HOWEVER, in this list, there will be continuous references to the movie! I want you to be aware of that, so you don’t see any spoilers you don’t wanna see!! HAHA.

If you have watched Aiyyaa before, AND YOU LUURVE IT. then by all means, you are perhaps the ideal audience for this post!! But again, eVERYONE is welcome here, and I encourage you all to read my post. Kindness and acceptance makes the world go around, so feel free to stick around, and get cozy! Starting now, I’m just gonna go ahead, and jump into the 66 Thoughts, and Reactions, I had while rewatching Aiyyaa (for the 10th time, I think?) This is serious, guys. I barely NEVER rewatch movies. So that should tell you how I will die for this movie LMAOO! Anyways, I’ll shut up now, and jump into my post!!

66 Reactions and Thoughts I Had While Watching Aiyyaa ( A Hindi Film)

*There will be SPOILERS below. READ at your own risk!! :))

Yes lovelies, this is in chronological order. So, it starts from my thoughts and reactions from the very beginning of the film!

1. Omg, it’s Rani Mukherji’s voice. It’s like so husky, and so hot.

2. Omggg, Rani is soooo cute!! Just look at her.


3. Rani, WHY are you dancing in the middle of a random street?!

R#3 picture

4. Sridevi. Madhuri. Juhi. (Wow, Meenakshi is an icon for the ages.)

P.S.: These are all legendary Indian actresses.

5. Meenakshi’s bedroom walls are filled with pictures of actors. LOL. Girl, we totes understand. Look into my eyes, and tell me you’ve never done this.

PIC #3

6. The mother-in-law (Meenakshi’s g-ma) wears sunglasses, and dreams behind them. 

Me: Honestly. Same. Can I get paid for daydreaming all day?

7. Meenakshi apparently is not a good cook. Me neither LOL.

8. She also doesn’t like kids. LMAOO. See, she is an icon!

9. Apparently, she’s not mild-natured. GOOD, we like our women FIERCEE.

10. OMFG. Meenakshi is SOO cute.

Just look at her in this beautiful costume, and the hot pink color suits her so well! She’s so adorable. I can’t breathe.

Reason #10 Picture

11. Her dream is to become a movie star. 

Literally same. Haven’t we all dreamed of being a movie star one day, or another?

Here is she literally BEGGING for an Oscar. Please, give her one already!

PIC #12-2

12. The greatest thing is that Meenakshi has huge dreams. As she sings in her Intro song, this girl desires lots of fans, and wishes to be an actress. 

13. In the first song, one of the song lyrics is “Show them your true color.”           

These are wise AF words to live by. Don’t cover yourself up to make someone else comfortable. show the world who you are! Wow, super inspirational.

14. She wants to win an Oscar, and lots of Filmfare Awards.                                             

Wow, this girl is motivated AF. She doesn’t just want to be an actress, she wants to be the best of them all. YOU GO, GIRL.

15. Meenakshi constantly hops in and out of her dreams.

OK, is it just me, or do you guys do this too? I totally have like dreams that I continue for several days. Are you getting me? Kind of? Have I gone crazy yet? Like I wake up (unfortunately), and my dream time is over, but the next day, I start off my dream from where I left off! It’s SO cool.


16. She wonders aloud when she’ll land a job.   

Ughhhh, could this get any more personal?! I’m actively job-searching right now, and LEMME TELL YOU SUMTIN……(cries). It’s honestly been such a hard journey, but I refuse to give up hope! So, yes, #hellarelatable, Meenakshi.


17. Her brother, Nana, fails 10nth grade. 

This shows us that no one is perfect. We must have the courage to fail and fail, and try again and again. This is how we grow, as people, as humans, as a society. I really enjoyed how not everyone in the movie is perfect. In fact, this movie shows EVERY SINGLE ONE of its characters having believable flaws, and I love this!

PIC/ R #17

18. When she admires herself in the mirror. 

19. When she argues with her brother, just like the rest of us.

20. The color of the folder she holds onto, before she leaves for her job interview, is a blue-green color with a magenta border.

It’s seriously pretty. 

21. LOL. She applies makeup on her way to her job interview. #RELATABLEAF.

22. OK, but WHY does the guy interviewer have literally 100 empty caps on his desk?! Seriously. WHY?

23. Her interviewer literally tells her, “Go, don’t waste my time.” 

DAMNNN, and we thought our interviewers were harsh. Baby gurl, get out. now.

24. There’s literally a monkey shaped water bottle named “Jumbo” in this movie. WHY?

Wait, rlly, is there some hidden symbolism I don’t see here?

25. Apparently, Mynaa’s neighbor works for the censor board. LOL. 

Grab me some movies, lowkey. 😛

26. Meenakshi knows that marriage only follows love.

I honestly don’t understand arranged marriage.

27. Meenakshi thinks that this world is a cruel one, because it doesn’t let her live in her dream world. 

As a writer and poet, LET ME TELL YOU: THIS. IS. THE. FUCKING. TRUTH. THIS IS THE TRUTH, Y’ALL. I couldn’t agree more.

28. She dreams of having someone all to herself. 

29. She wants to run away with someone she loves to somewhere far, far away. 

30. She cries while cutting onions.

Honestly, I didn’t even cry this much at the end of Titanic, y’all. These onions be some devil magic shit.

31. When an older lady tells Meenakshi that she has 10 daughters, and only 1 son, she doesn’t even try to hide her immense disapproval. 

32. The very first time she smells something amazing. 

33. OMFG. The beautiful BGM when she first catches a sniff of her mystery man’s scent! 

34. When she sees Surya for the first time. EVER. 

35. You guys, I can’t stop. Really. The MOST beautiful BG score of all time is played when she is in a daze after first meeting Surya. Listen to it here!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqaI2UEG-ZI

36. When she notices Surya sitting behind her chair, and she secretly gets SO. EXCITED!! 

37. The most beautiful romantic(set) song of all time begins at 33:00. 

38. When Meenakshi believes that destiny will bring the one to her. 

39. When we learn that she doesn’t like boys who wear their vests tucked in their pants, nor the ones who wear full-sleeve shirts.


40. Her mother tells Meenakshi that she had a dream about the Goddess giving her a yellow flower. 

Me (a HUGE fan of this movie, and who has seen it multiple times): “OMFG. SO EXCITING! I wonder what the flower symbolizes. I better open up my “Interpreting Your Dreams” page on my browser. OMG. It’s yellow too. That must mean something!

41. When Meenakshi smiles so happily when one of her arranged alliances don’t work out. LMAOO. 

42. When she sees Surya sitting on top of a ledge, like a statue, while she’s grocery shopping.

OK, for the embarrassing # of times that I’ve seen this movie, I’ve never actually totally been able to explain that scene. Like, why was it included there?! OK, I JUST had a GENIUS idea, and it LITERALLY JUST popped into my head!!! AHHHHH!!!

OK, so we know Meenakshi is a dreamer, right?! And her head is in the clouds all the time. Well, Surya could be her opposite, maybe?! OMFG. I’m so proud of coming up with his interpretation! AHHH! Maybe the director is showing us how she’s a dreamer, while he’s a thinker? Opposites attract, maybe?!? HELP ME HERE.

43. People basically gossip about Surya, saying that he just gets drunk all the time, and that Surya’s father died from paying off Surya’s debts. 

44. When she basically bribes a minor to get some important deets on her crush. 

45.  When she says that “the drugs are just rumors,” and she doesn’t believe that her man does drugs. DAMN, U GO, GIRL. #Manfidence

46. When she loves Surya, despite Mynaa’s degrading opinions about him, 

47. When the girl basically learns an ENTIRELY new (to her) language (!!! Damn, that’s commitment!) just to be able to talk to her crush.

48. Honestly, even If you’ve seen Bollywood movies, and their crazy-ass antics before, “Dreamum Wakeupum” is ON ANOTHER LEVEL. Like literally go watch the song video on YouTube now, thanks. 

49. She knows the truth that being able to imagine and dreams are the best things we get for free in this life. Because the girl literally says, “And if I don’t dream, then there’s no point in sleeping.”

50. When even Nana, yes him, is actually full of wisdom. At one point, he says, for instance: “I don’t care for humans anymore.” DAMN, I felt that deep in my soul. Damn. #NANA4PRESIDENT2020

51. When Meenakshi and Nana sneak out in the middle of the night to buy drugs. 

52. When she makes the cutest faces when things don’t go well. #SOCUTE

53. When she practices combining her full name with her crush’s full name. YOU ARE LIARS IF YOU SAY YOU HAVE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE. I rets my case. Also, this is so, so cute in the movie! (Agghh, You’re killing’ me, Meenakshi.)

54. Oh, and also Meenakshi loves to read. ***Pssttt, wanna be best friends, Meenakshi?***

55. When Madhav says he’s not a keen reader, and I was like “OMFG. Whhaaaaaa?!?” Haha. GTFO boy. 

56. When our girl purposely sings in order to make Madhav reject her (LMFAO!) 

57. Her bedroom wall is basically plastered with pictures of cute, famous guys.

LIKE, SAMEE TBH. I mean, are you even a human girl if your bedroom doesn’t have at least 1 picture of your celeb crush?!

58. When she counts the days left till her wedding, and knows she has to take drastic measures. 

59. LMAAOOOO, and then the actual movie scene where she faints in front of Surya’s mom! (I can’t stop laughing!) Like damn gurlll, you really are an actress!

60. When she literally goes to her crush’s house (LMAAO!), and then sneaks into his bedroom. DAMN, when did this cute crush turn into actual stalking?

61. And then THIS PART, where Surya enters his house again while Meenakshi is hiding in his room! Like, I think I would have killed myself. (I’m not condoning killing yourself here, just stating my feelings about this scene haha :)).

62. When Meenakshi literally cannot stop being the cutest lover in this entire world. Hence, she does this cute thing.

63. When Madhav (when you watch the movie, you’ll know who he is) asks hella important questions to Meenakshi. 

64. When Madhav (bless his heart) reacts the way all of us would if we told someone about our favorite actors/actresses, and all we received was a BLANK stare instead.

65. Meenakshi’s reaction when she hears how older actresses of yesteryear used to be.

66. When Meenakshi is shook AF.


67. When she was sassy AF when her mother kept nagging her with  questions. 

24 Things ALL Makeup Addicts Will Relate to Immediately

Hell-oo beautiful readers! Your girl Prathima here, today to talk to you about…. (drumroll plz) Makeup! YASSS.

So, I wanna tell you all a quick story. I haven’t ever really been a makeup addict, or really, a daily makeup wearer before in my life, except recently (oh about 1.5 weeks ago). I suddenly really, like REALLY got into makeup). So, for me, embracing the natural beauty you were born with (Y’ALL, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU is BEAUT-I-FUL!), and embracing your flaws, and celebrating them is SO important. BUT. I’m also lowkey a poet, writer, and singer. So, I’m very artistically inclined, and lately, I’ve been moving away from wearing super minimal makeup (lowkey just talking eyeliner (EXCEPT FOR LIP PRODUCTS. LIPSTICK IS THE AB.SOLUTE. BEST Y’ALL! don’t fuck with me on this XD lmao!), to now watching those YouTube makeup tutorials every free second I get, and lemme tell you,


I just love the art of it all, like this is an actual art form, y’all! Look at these gorgeous colors, that poppin’ highlight, and oohh! I’m actually dying in happiness. I always believe in change, like gurl, be who YOU wanna be! In any given second, boys and girls, we can determine who we are as people, and I REPEAT: you ARE NOT OBLIGED TO BE THE SAME PERSON YOU WERE 2 SECONDS AGO! Yes, seriously! 🙂 Be who you are, unapologetically, flaws and all! THAT’S  what it means to be truly beautiful to me. Being who you are. Change as many times as u need to!

But makeup can be so artistic, and fun!!! (and look at all those stunning colors!!), so in honor of my newfound love of makeup, I dedicate this post to all my wonderful and artsy makeup lovers out there! Hope you love these posts, and you will 200 % percent relate, trust me!, if you lurrrveee makeup, and it is your actual reason for living. <33.

AHHH! I’m so excited to share this post with all of you today!


PIC #1


PIC #2


PIC #3
The sunlight puts us all in our places.


PIC #4
LMFAO. What, y’all think I can just go out, and buy Fenty products? XD


PIC #5
When makeup is OBV more important than safety.


PIC #6
If you don’t do this, GTFO. XD


PIC #7
OH Boy, (laughs) You have so. much. to learn.


PIC #8


PIC #9
If you know how to contour, you can rule the world tbh.


PIC #10
Yes George, I KNOW I’m pretty without makeup. DUH!


PIC #11
Looking flyy AND getting fit, BAM!


PIC #12
Baking ain’t ever looked this smexy before.


PIC #13
That palette name better be popping!


PIC #14


PIC #15
HOW can I buy a home in this area? HELP.


PIC #16
ALL women are queens!


PIC #17
Wow, you’re winking. Me: Yeah, it was 24 dollars.


PIC #18


PIC #19
When you know that there is only ONE way: WINGER LINER. GO BIG or go home!


PIC #20
True lmfaoo.


PIC #21
LMFAOOO. Literally have no words 4 this.


PIC #22
When your priorities are on point.



PIC #23
BFFS who won’t EVER backstab you.


PIC #24
This dog is better at makeup than me, TBH. 


ANDDD. we’re done with this post! If you’re reading this, as alwaysss, I lurrve you, and keep being the awesome and bomb person you are! YOU. are amazing. If you’re a makeup junkie, please leave a comment below! I wanna hear from you! ❤ What is your favorite brand(s) haha, and where do you shop for makeup at? ALSO, What is your go-to everyday makeup look?!

I can’t wait to hear from all of you lovelies!! STAY SAFE, and BEAUTIFUL. SLEIGGHHH, it’s December tomorrow! Happy last day of November’ yall! (I’m sad, my bday month coming to an end?! NEVER! :P)

MUCH LOVE AND CARE from me to you,

Your BFF,

Prathima ❤

10 Things that Will Make All Introverts Say, “How do You Know Me so Well?”

*Burrito wraps self in warm blanket, and eats comfort food while watching Netflix* “Ah, my natural habitat.”











If you’ve reached this part of my post, THANK YOU! YOU are amazing. Did any of these posts speak directly to your soul? Are you an INTROVERT? Let me know in the comments section below! I can’t wait to read your comments!

FUN FACT TIME! I’m an introvert myself, hence this blog haha. I know the holidays are coming up soon, and you know what THAT means! FOOOD. Everyone loves food, so stay tune for some delish food posts coming up soon, from my heart to all of your’s. Love you all! Stay amazing as always, and rock the shit outta tomorrow. 

You know I’m rooting you on! Much love and peace! xx